Ko sem na netu zasledila podobne hlače,
sem si rekla: to morem tudi sama poskusiti!
Naredila sem si svoj vzorec in začela ustvarjati,
ker so mi bile tako simpatične sem naredila par različnih.
Naredila sem si svoj vzorec in začela ustvarjati,
ker so mi bile tako simpatične sem naredila par različnih.
Še ena gasilska.
Prijavljam jih na naslednje izzive:
- 613 Avenue Create ch. 138 - Anything goes
- A Gen of A Challenge ch. 151 - One for the girls
- Craft your passion ch. 276 - Anything goes
- Cute Card Thursday ch. 388 - Monochrome
- Crafting From the Heart ch. 74 - Anything goes
- Crafting By Designs - Things with wings
- CRAFT-alnica izziv 141 - Otroško
- Creative Fingers ch. 90 - Anything goes
- CHNC Patterned Paper August ch. - Anything goes
- Deep Ocean Challenge Blog ch. 111 - For the boys
- Fab`n`Funky ch. 270 - Things with wings
- Fussy and Fancy Friday Challenge ch. 146 - Birthdays
- Glitter n Sparkle ch. 151 - Happy birthday
- Inspiration Destination ch. 48 - Anything goes
- Papertake Weekly Challenge - Buttons
- Penny`s Paper Crafty Challenge ch. 242 - Girly
- PDE Linky Party - Anything goes
- Simon Wednesday Challenge - Anything goes
- Simply Papercraft ch. 12 - Anything goes
- sistersofcraft Aug. ch. - Anything goes
- The Cuti Pie Challenge Blog ch. 90 - Cute and girly
- That Crafty Place Challenge - Blue
- TTCRD 25/31 Aug. ch. - Anything goes
- V`s Sweet Ideas Blog ch. 37 - Anything goes
- Word Art Wednesday ch. 198 - Anything goes