Te voščilnice so nastale kot posledica
škatlice presenečenja , kjer sem prvič naredila
nogavičke in so mi bile tako všeč, da sem morala
narediti še voščilnico v takem stilu.
škatlice presenečenja , kjer sem prvič naredila
nogavičke in so mi bile tako všeč, da sem morala
narediti še voščilnico v takem stilu.
Nogavičke so izrezane ročno in embossirane.
Morala sem jih še malo načičkati, zato sem
dodala čipko in dvojno pentljo.
Morala sem jih še malo načičkati, zato sem
dodala čipko in dvojno pentljo.
In seveda jaz nebi bila jaz, če jih nebi naredila
v različnih barvah. Katera je vam najbolj všeč?
Meni je rumena.
Prijavljam jih na naslednje izzive:
- 613 Avenue Create ch. 193 - Anything goes
- A Game of A Ch. 185 - Celebrateing someting new
- Brown Sugar ch. 232 - Anything goes
- CMC ch. 88 - Layer it
- CRAFT-alnica izziv 1777 - Nov začetek
- CreativeCornerChallenges - Anything goes
- Crafting from the heart ch. 142 - Anything goes
- Crafting by Designs Jan. ch. - Anything goes
- Come and get it - Someting new
- Creative Fingers ch. 122 - Anything goes
- Crafty Calendar Jan. ch. - Anything goes
- CHNC Patterned paper Jan. ch. - Anything goes
- Dies R Us ch. 64 - Anything goes with dies
- Deep Ocean ch. 146 - Anything new
- Everybody-Art ch. 394 - Alles geht
- Get Creative ch. 54 - Anything goes
- Glitter `N` Sparkle ch. 221 - Anything goes
- In the Pink ch. 110 - Anything goes
- Inspiration Destination ch. 119 - Anything goes
- My Time to Craft ch. 337 - Someting new
- PDE Linky Party ch. 154 - Anything goes
- RRR Ch. 155 - Anything goes
- Scraping4fun ch. 81 - Bright colours
- Simply Create Too ch. 123 - New beginnings
- TTCRD week 10.1.17 - Anything goes
- Word Art Wednesday ch. 264, 265 - Anything goes
Moram priznati, da mi ni uspelo izbrati najlepše barve. :-) Vse štiri so naravnost fantastične. Krasno si izdelala nogavičke in zelo lepo sestavila voščilnice. Bravo!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJust look at all those sweet baby booties. These cards turned out absolutely adorable. Thanks SO much for sharing your wonderful art with us.
Really Reasonable Ribbon
I also want to say a BIG word of thanks to you for sharing your precious cards in our challenge at Word Art Wednesday. I feel SO blessed to have you link up with us there as well, and always SO enjoy your wonderful cards and projects. Many blessings to you, my crafty friend.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKaren Letchworth
Res prelepe baby voščilnice in tudi sama bi v teh turobnih zimskih dneh izbrala rumeno barvo :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo bodi, Jana
Rumena varianta je res taka sončna, ampak tudi ostale tri so zelo cart.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVse 4 so ta ko ljubke, težko bi izbrala najlepšo. Je pa res, da je rumena tako sončna.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTako na kupčku so vse zelo čedne. Lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiVau... krasne voščilnice in lepih barv. Jaz sem za zeleno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, da ustvarjaš z nami v CRAFT-alnici. Srečno!
Love the little booties. Thank you for sharing with us at Crafting From the Heart.
Oh so pretty! The pastel colours you used on your cards are perfect for baby cards! Thanks for joining in at My Time to Craft!
OdgovoriIzbrišilove Mags B x
So cute, I like those little lacy cuffs. Thanks for sharing something new at Come And Get It, CarolG
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasne so.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so cute and beautiful. Love the set of cards and the embossing booties.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for your entry at Scrapping4funChallenges
Rachelle DT
I love all of them, it's hard to choose. Thank you for sharing them with us at CHNPPC.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKatera? To je pa tako težka odločitev ... vse so tako nežne in cart, da se samo sprehajam med vsemi, jih občudujem in vzdihujem. Saj lahko izberem dve, kajne? Potem izberem rumeno in zeleno, ker izstopata po netipičnih barvah ob rojstvu.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala za sodelovanje pri izzivu CRAFT-alnice. Majda
Beautiful set of card's thank you for joining us over on
OdgovoriIzbrišiInspiration Destination
Dianne xx
What a gorgeous cards!! Love the pretty embossing and all the colors!! Thanks for joining us at “Simply Create Too”.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDT-Member SCT
These are so pretty, don't know which colour is my favourite if I'm honest! Those little bootees are so sweet. Thank you so much for entering the Crafty Calendar (Something New) Challenge this month, lots of luck and I hope we see you again soon. Hugs to you Sue Pxxx DT
OdgovoriIzbrišiOoo, čudovito. Cela serija malih nežnih štumfkov. Všeč mi je, da so malo bolj bogate in okrašene s čipko.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, da si se nam pridružila v Craft-alnici. Lp Lili
Absolutely Beautiful cards!! Thank you for sharing with us over at Really Reasonable Ribbon this week!
What a fun project and great addition to our challenge. Thanks for playing along with us at Really Reasonable Ribbon. Huggs from Ginny at Polly's Paper Studio.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis cards are lovely and perfect for our challenge! Thanks so much for joining us at Scrapping 4 Fun Challenges. Hugs Agnieszka
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with us at 613 Avenue Create!
Chana, Owner
This is really pretty and such a clever design with those cute booties, Thank you for joining us this time at In The Pink.
Zelo luštne voščilnice si naredila in lepo jih je videt v več barvah :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiVesela sem, ker ustvarjaš z nami v izzivu CRAFT-alnice … Srečno!
Rumena je tako lepo sončna, čudovita. Nogavičke pa res prikupno načičkane. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovito, krasnih barv in motiva, hvala, ker deliš z nami v CRATF-alnici, lp, T.